Valutazione neuropsicologica per bambini e adolescenti bilingui italiano/inglese (Neuropsychological assessment for children and teenagers)

Grazie all’impiego di strumenti diagnostici specifici e alla collaborazione con professionisti madrelingua abilitati, presso NuovaMente è possibile effettuare una valutazione completa anche per bambini bilingui italiano-inglese.

NuovaMente is a private practice committed to helping children and teenagers (aged 3-20) experiencing learning, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. We have a dedicated team of mental health professionals with specialized training in diagnostic evaluation and validated therapy practices as well as specialist tutors for learning support, speech therapists for language impairments and psychologists working with children and their families.

We provide evaluations for students who are referred for

  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning disorder
  • Autism Spectrum disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Specific Language Disorder
  • Emotional or psychological concerns

Thanks to neuropsychological evaluations, we are able to assess children’s functioning in areas such as IQ, memory, attention and executive functioning, academics, motor coordination, language and social-emotional skills. This information will help parents, teachers, therapists, and physicians provide treatments and interventions that will meet the child’s unique needs.
Thanks to bilingual specialists and the use of specific diagnostic tools designed for English-native speakers, it is possible to administrate diagnostic tests and observations in English and in both languages (Italian + English).
The English part of the final report is edited so that it contains all the data, the graphs and the information required by the international school system. The Italian part of the test is administered so that the final report is compatible with the Italian “certificazione” and according to the Italian law system.

If you need any information, please contact